Circular economy welcome
Welcome to the Circular Economy Wiki within Designing Buildings. This is a centralised platform containing guidance, definitions and examples on implementing circular economy in construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute to the site by creating or adding to articles.
Our key articles will primarily address the following focus areas:
- Data collection, analysis and sharing of built environment materials
- Reuse and recycling of building materials
- Transformation and refurbishment of buildings
- Design for disassembly and flexible construction
- Circular construction in urban planning policy
[edit] Willkommen
Willkommen beim „Kreislaufwirtschaftswiki“, einer zentralen Plattform mit Anleitungen, Definitionen und Beispielen (wie z. B. Fallstudien) zur Umsetzung der Kreislaufwirtschaft im Bauwesen. Jeder ist willkommen, zur Seite beizutragen, indem er Artikel erstellt oder hinzufügt.
Unsere Hauptartikel werden sich hauptsächlich mit den folgenden Schwerpunktbereichen befassen:
- Datenerfassung, Analyse und gemeinsame Nutzung von Baumaterialien
- Wiederverwendung und Recycling von Baumaterialien
- Umwandlung und Sanierung von Gebäuden
- Design für Demontage und flexibles Bauen
- Zirkuläres Bauen in der Stadtplanungspolitik
[edit] Tervetuloa
Tervetuloa Designing Buildings-sivuston kiertotalouswikiin. Tämä sivusto sisältää ohjeita, määritelmiä ja esimerkkejä, joilla kiertotaloutta voidaan edistää rakentamisessa. Voit halutessasi muokata tai lisätä artikkeleita sivuille.
Artikkelimme keskittyvät seuraaviin aiheisiin:
- datan keräys ja analysointi sekä rakennetun ympäristön materiaalien vaihdanta
- rakennusosien uudelleenkäyttö ja rakennusmateriaalien kierrätys
- rakennusten kunnostaminen ja muuntaminen toiseen käyttötarkoitukseen
- purettavuuden mahdollistava suunnittelu ja joustava rakentaminen
- rakentamisen kiertotalous kaupunkisuunnittelussa
[edit] Velkommen
Velkommen til Circular Economy Wiki med temaet, design af bygninger. Dette er en centraliseret platform, der indeholder vejledning, definitioner og eksempler på implementering af cirkulær økonomi i byggeriet. Alle er velkomne til at bidrage til siden ved at oprette eller tilføje artikler.
Vores nøgleartikler vil primært omhandle følgende fokusområder:
- Dataindsamling, analyse og deling af byggemiljømaterialer
- Genanvendelse og genbrug af byggematerialer
- Ombygning og istandsættelse af bygninger
- Design til demontering og fleksibel konstruktion
- Cirkulært byggeri i byplan politik
Featured articles and news
Timber in Construction Roadmap
Ambitious plans from the Government to increase the use of timber in construction.
ECA digital series unveils road to net-zero.
Retrofit and Decarbonisation framework N9 launched
Aligned with LHCPG social value strategy and the Gold Standard.
Competence framework for sustainability
In the built environment launched by CIC and the Edge.
Institute of Roofing members welcomed into CIOB
IoR members transition to CIOB membership based on individual expertise and qualifications.
Join the Building Safety Linkedin group to stay up-to-date and join the debate.
Government responds to the final Grenfell Inquiry report
A with a brief summary with reactions to their response.
A brief description and background to this new February law.
Everything you need to know about building conservation and the historic environment.
NFCC publishes Industry White Paper on Remediation
Calling for a coordinated approach and cross-departmental Construction Skills Strategy to manage workforce development.
'who blames whom and for what, and there are three reasons for doing that: legal , cultural and moral"
How the Home Energy Model will be different from SAP
Comparing different building energy models.
Mapping approaches for standardisation.
UK Construction contract spending up at the start of 2025
New construction orders increase by 69 percent on December.
Preparing for the future: how specifiers can lead the way
As the construction industry prepares for the updated home and building efficiency standards.
Embodied Carbon in the Built Environment
A practical guide for built environment professionals.
Updating the minimum energy efficiency standards
Background and key points to the current consultation.
Heritage building skills and live-site training.